
Dissing the Pirates

Killing them pirates: not only does this show everyone part of what Obama is made of but this event gives him a ton of "street cred" out in the real world. Until the fucking pirates strike again and taunt the shit out of us. Luck was with us FOR A FUCKING CHANGE, because we had exactly the right people for the job in exactly the right place. Snipers can quickly kill any exposed person at their leisure even on a rolling sea**, something that surprises me. These killings have disgraced the worst people in the world who, like the street thugs inside our own country, demand "respect" or else. Now we will see what "or else" means, and I'll bet that AlQaeda and other Third World thugs will now move in to support them and they will be joined by our own Left. We will have to stay wary.

**Accurate gunnery on a rolling sea was a challenge for a thousand or more years until the late 19th century when a "continuous aiming" device was developed that compensated for the up and down movement of the firing ship and the sometimes opposite rocking and rolling of the target ship. This wave action caused the target to be unpredictable, a condition that caused shells to land in the water ten yards away from the guns or fly yards over the target. The continuous aiming device became the solution for cannon mounted on the deck of a ship, but snipers are not on a platform that will adjust itself to the shifting platform of a vessel. The snipers had no device for compensating for the shifting of the sea other than their own "device" (self adjusting) taught to them in training. I cannot imagine this accuracy possible over a distance of greater than fifty yards, because the roll of the ship at point "A" will be different than the roll of a target ship at point "B."

As an interesting aside here, the gunnery device was developed by a Brit by the name of Percy Scott back in the late 19th century but was resisted by Brit higher brass because (get this one) the sinking of an enemy ship at distance would rob the sailors of the chance to prove their bravery by using hand to hand combat when boarding an enemy ship. The U.S. however didn't resist the new device for such a stupid reason, our higher brass just flat didn't want to accept the fact that they weren't the ones inventing it. Only the forceful intervention by President Theodore Roosevelt allowed the new systems aboard our navy vessels.

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