
Tax Dollars into Plowshares

Or some such shit. Gates of Vienna has stumbled upon a tax pit for the ages, a list of caucuses manned and womaned by the usual Congressional slugs that get paid for things like

The Addiction, Treatment and Recovery Caucus

Rep. Jim Ramstad (Andrew Mckechnie, 202-225-2871)
Rep. Patrick Kennedy (Rachel Bornstein, 202-225-4911)

The Afterschool Caucus
Rep. Ralph Regula
Rep. Nita M. Lowey (Jean Doyle, 202-225-6506)

Cement Caucus (I',m not making this shit up, folks)
Rep. Bart Stupak (Jamie Euken, 202-225-4735)
Rep. Spencer Bachus (Jennifer Pino, 202-225-4921)

Congressional Former Mayors Caucus
Rep. Michael Capuano (Robert Primus, 202-225-5111)
Rep. Michael R. Turner (Stacy Barton, 202-225-6465)

Congressional Friends of Liechtenstein Caucus

Rep. John Sullivan (John Rainbolt, 202-225-2212)
Rep. Joseph Crowley (Shawn Hodjati, 202-225-3965)

And there are hundreds more useless bullshit tax dollar shit holes detailed for your enjoyment....

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