
Just say "NO" to California

Boohoo CA is "broke" and needs US taxpayers to donate in order to rescue it.....bullshit. NRO lists just some of the untapped assets that we have out here that would more than just "rescue" us, but put is in a profit....although the politicians who spend money that isn't theirs on pet projects and politically correct undertakings would immediately put us back in the poorhouse with welfare spending. Meanwhile China is drilling for oil off of our precious Florida coast, per Hanson:

We should stop talking about suing the OPEC cartel, jawboning the House of Saud to lower prices, blaming the oil companies, or adding yet another massive tax on sky-high gas prices. What we don’t need right now are more pie-in-the-sky sermons about wind and solar saving us all or about millions of new jobs in green technology that can be almost instantly created. That all may be possible in a generation. But in the here and now, we still need to tap the abundant conventional energy we already have in the United States. And in large part that means building, mining, and drilling.
California has at least 1.3 BILLION barrels of oil that is recoverable right this minute that can be taxed. Roy Innes points out that
No other nation on Earth is so self-centered that it locks up its own energy — and then uses other countries’ resources … and demands that they produce more to meet our needs, which will continue to grow as our population and energy use increase. It is high time that we stopped acting that way.
So while the usual Hollywood millionaires and the spoiled rich kids parade around screaming "green" California faces a phony bankruptcy and welfare status instead of getting to work. Green jobs? How about just plain old fashioned jobs for companies that actually make money without tax payer contributions. The NRO piece is a must read if for no other reason that it contains actual data instead of Green posturing. We don't need the money out here, we need common sense.
Oh and where are the Republicans? Cowering under the covers of their own spending and incompetence.

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