
Anybody but me think that the current Congressional Hearings on Toyota are just another Stalinist show trial?


Anonymous said...

I never cared for Toyota but you are right. Toyota is going to have a hard time competing with GM and Chrysler's new owner- Obama and the Unions. Ford may be picking up sales here but they should be paying attention. They may very well be next.

cubanbob said...

Howard your are not the only one. If Toyata execs had a pair they would ask the Congressman just how far are they up the UAW's ass and if the government owning GM and Chrysler was just incidental to the hearings.

Howard said...

We'll see, the new complaints could be bogus just so Toyota will look bad. There have been several analysis going back to '05 that the company was sacrificing quality for profit and warning investors. There continuing sales simply shows that their customers love the car and believe in the company, still.