

Donating blood for hungry vampires....
With the TV tube overflowing with images of people shivering in shelters without clothes, literally begging for clean water, and many obviously in need of basic medical supplies, the assholes working in the worst news operation in the world is hyping the desperate need for crises counseling and feel good health workers who can "talk" to people suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. According to the Left what is really needed are people with the appropriate degrees from the usual shit factories who will perform good works for $1K per hour. Jesus Christ, how about donating blood for hungry vampires? What is obviously needed is heavy equipment and people experienced in operating it in disaster situations. The only way I know to be sure to get that kind of aid out there RIGHT NOW is through the Red Cross and the organization liberals hate most, the American Military.

God help us all when liberals decide what is good for us. This will happen as long as the "helpers" are paid high union wages with monies extracted from taxpayers. A really good alternative charity is here....