
NCAA--MARCH MADNESS--THE BIG DANCE---65 teams, roughly 650 players. Can they read?

Karl Marx observed more than a hundred years ago that "Religion is the opiate of the masses". Were he observing America today on behalf of blacks he'd observe that basketball is the opiate of the black underclass. A near hopeless dream, reduced further by the fact that more and more white players make the cut, a hopeless dream that keeps nearly a million kids permanently stupid.

NCAA DIVISION I---roughly 1,200 players

When I am watching these young men during "March Madness" I wonder how many players can read. How many have computational skills?; or any skills beyond the ability to handle a basketball not quite well enough to get into the NBA/CBA/Europe? I wonder further about the twelve hundred, and where they will be in ten years. Will they again be a part of the semi-literate underclass. With a college degree?

While you are watching,
Lifting a few brewskies
Taking a few hits
Wondering if the war has started
and if you got your bets down,
The U.S. in six or will it be eight,


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