
FRENCH ENEMIES Andrew Sullivan has all the links go HERE Then go to Glenn Reynolds HERE, and especially HERE Cutting to the Chase: Le Frogs are screwing us big time and have probably granted asylum to most of the Iraqi leadership in Europe with the use of a "One Size Fits All" visa for all countries in the EU. LGF links too with quotes HERE. Totally sucks, but then that's the way they are. Time to switch all the lawyer jokes to French. "Q: What is orange and red and looks great on a Frenchman? A: Fire."
"Q: What's black and orange and looks good on a Frenchman? A: Two pissed off dobermans"
"Q: How do you save a Frenchman from drowning? A: Take your foot off of his head.".......you get the picture. But wait an entire new genre of jokes is possible......French Lawyer Jokes. I'm working on it....

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