

Check out a book by Max Boot called: "The Savage Wars of Peace: Small Wars and the Rise of American Power." Mr. Boot details some other occupations and what happened. I have written many times here that this occupation bears no similarity to either Germany or Japan after WWII, and not even the faintest resemblance to Viet Nam.

Mr. Boot points out that we lost one soldier per day during the occupation of Austria after WWII, this is primarily because young Nazis and Communists (supported by Stalin) were running wild, while the young had been virtually wiped off the face of the earth in both Germany and Japan.

The real similar situation is our occupation of the Philippines at the turn of the last century. There, a powerful but isolated guerilla force fought us tooth and nail. We beat them and beat them badly by using their own tactics backed by superior force. He points out that we are not using Special Forces in Iraq, and implies that it is the main army and their love affair with big weapons, big tanks (think that huge cannon they fought tooth and nail for), and large cumbersome (and needlessly exposed) fighting groups.

He has a much too short piece in the Daily Standard, but the book should be a must read for those of us really fed up with the Left Media attack on the occupation of Iraq. Also be sure to read Victor Davis Hanson's latest piece in NRO. AND THEN YOU ABSOLUTIELY MUST LINK HERE courtesy of Glenn Reynolds who caught a major story. Late Add, Sat AM Story is now the number two news item on FOX

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