

It ain't politics.

Aside from the fact that Bill Press is obnoxious and Pat Buchannan is almost unbearable, or that Chris Matthews is such a big mouth nobody talks but him, and that Joe Scarboro is boring, aside from all that, think about the "news reporting"? At least half of my acquaintances are liberals and many of them watch FOX. The totality of the news when the day is done is the same on both nets. But MSNBC is a prisoner of the academic theory of reporting news. Like the Los Angeles Times novella "news" stories. Or the endless New York Times convolutionary reportage.

Here's the liberal university idea of reporting. The story is that the Nazis have invaded Poland and the Poles are being run out of town. MSNBC will report the story as follows:

Nazi troops stormed into Poland this morning on all fronts, seizing territory and wiping out entire divisions of Polish troops. Some in Poland welcomed the advancing Germans regarding them as liberators from their oppressive government, aggressive police force, and bad food. The Germans.....
Nobody at MSNBC (NBC) understands that a report like that is telling two different news stories. FOX on the same TWO stories:
Nazi troops stormed into Poland this morning on all fronts, seizing territory and wiping out entire divisions of Polish troops....etc.
FOX will tell the Polish reaction to the invasion as a distinct and separate story, and place it later in the show.

The structure of the MSNBC type story has the appearance of propaganda, burying a point of view within a story when what they are doing is supplying balance within a story. FOX has the structure of "Fair and Balanced" because they separate the two stories. I have no idea why the "brains" at NBC can't figure this out but I guess liberals educated at the same universities around the country cannot conceive of doing anything other than what they have been "taught" to do.

FOX rules.

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