
I'm being called anti-Semitic on somebody's blog for suggesting my readers touch base with a MEChA site. Anytime you tell somebody about something different, something that might disturb preconceptions, you fall into some niche of anti-something. Quite frankly if you read MEChA stuff (and I think you should hit that aztlan.com site) you'll note that they hide their anti-white sentiments in a mostly anti-Semitic soup, followed by a healthy portion of anti-European mashed potatoes. But clever. Holocaust denial followed by a description of the camps and what was done; selecting only Jews among whites to go after and then really zeroing in on some bad stuff going on in a place like the Weisenthal Center. Their tactics seem to be to attack who you want to attack by finding something wrong with an individual or organization within a group thus smearing the whole group in a very subtle way.

We need to know what they are up to. There is very literate stuff there, it's not crude and obvious like the old time Nazis and KKK. It's more like the old time Communists, filling a lot of their stuff with good information. By reading it and "getting" their tactics we can handle it, but if we don't read it we get sandbagged. For example, if you get into a discussion with somebody and they raise the million dollar salaries at the Weisenthal Center as an example of something, you (a) can be ready and (b) become aware that this person just might be something other than what they pretend to be. I took The Forum, which is Werner Eerhardt's thing, and one of the things I really learned there was that it was always necessary to understand the other person's POV completely before getting into a debate with them; to absolutely know your competitor's product before selling your own; the same is true with political concepts. MEChA is very scary because they are so dam good.

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