
Arnold and Groping, The Last Chapter I was in show biz for twenty five years and I know hundreds of people and still have friends there. I was a working actor for twenty years. Several actresses I know have told me they worked on Terminator, Kindergarden Cop, and Twins. They say he was a perfect gentleman, a total pro, and never made advances at all. One of them is a nine, a total babe. Figure this: he has done twenty movies with hundreds and hundreds of women and almost nobody has come forward. There is a growing opinion among "experts" who watch things that this election is now between Arnold and the lying scumbags at the Los Angeles Times, so big is the anger at the paper by voters. You can tell the so-called reporters what you think of them by emailing them: Tracy Webber and / or Megan Garvey, just two of the six hard core lefties who "dug" up the story. The three who were assigned to steroid use didn't come up with enough dirt to hold til five days before election. For a lot more on the Los
Angeles Times coverup of news go to Jill Stewart's page.

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