
The Google IPO....DON'T TOUCH IT if it is going to be an on line IPO. People on line are notorious cheapskates and flakes, what is known in the investment world as "WEAK HANDS". What this means is that they will sell a stock at the first sign of uncertainty or, as in the Enron fiasco where a mob of market dummies ignored chart signals that were obvious, just stand around like a bunch of morons while their stock deteriorates and whine later. People like this distort a market. Don't touch this thing if the IPO is issued on line as is being rumored. BTW, this is a $15 stock but it is a "tech stock" so it could go to $50 right away. If you want to buy it wait for the fall. And BTW, Google News is a fucking joke. Mediocre to say the least. Example: this AM they are running WEDNESDAY'S news on the World Series as new. Also, if you attempted to find the "Boozing High School Cheerleading" story there you could not. Not exactly a winner for Google. And then there is Blogspot, which by the way they have finally straightened out, but for a while it was a disaster. Now it is very good. and the best bang for the blog-buck out there. I can now tell people to use it. You didn't see any sites hosted by them go down, and plenty of us would qualify as "Jew loving zionist drug dealing rock and roll satan loving American fucks".

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