
The Plame Affair is in good hands with both Adam Sullivan (NOT Andrew, who doesn't have a clue) and Roger L. Simon whose comment section has some of the best stuff out there. Take a look at both. I mentioned Bill Kristol yesterday saying the same stuff but Bill doesn't blog and we don't get his insight. This is a vicious Republican war within the administration which will rip the party apart, much as the Left has torn apart the Democratic Party. We may have four parties pretty soon. Not only is this leak a felony, the fight is horrible for the country. A sign of decay I think. Also a sign that Bush is a very weak president and man. Tenet should have been fired from day one, ditto Minnetta, ditto the FBI jerk offs, ditto the SEC clown, and on and on. This is Bush's indecision coming home to roost.

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