
Red Cross SoCal Fire Disaster Relief.....Another 9/11 fiasco where funds go to lesbian re-hab centers and Mexican symphonies? Or will it REALLY go to the fire victims? I don't know but I AM sending bucks to an organization I have mistrusted my entire life, and with cause. The San Diego offices of The Red Cross have been one of the very worst in their whole sorry system. But whom else to donate? I'm giving but with a huge dose of suspicion. If these notoriously corrupt pieces of shit in San Diego mishandle this money they have to be shut down. GIVE, but then watch these pricks. The Red Cross has a typically corporate and impossible to figure out website that wastes an entire page patting themselves on the back trying to get you to forget their corrupt abuse of our gifts for 9/11, but you can go straight to the contribution page HERE. Many people who had homes in the fire areas are not rich and have lost everything. Give it a shot. They really need money.

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