
Sullivan has written a typically misleading fruit piece tying being suspicious of homosexual infiltration of an organization with being anti-Semitic. Let me tell you from long personal experience that gays do infiltrate systems and they DO take over and dominate. They further will exclude everyone who isn't gay. All you have to do is check out Hollywood, and the West Hollywood government. Sullivan waving the anti-Semite flag is a sewer tactic used in a pseudo literate attempt to discount anyone who dares stand up. Anti-Semitism and watching perverts in a work place is not the same. Jews are not cruising little boys or teens for the purpose of sodomy, Jews are not sodomizing their friends. Jews are not working against family interests. Sodomy, sado-masochism, bondage, and dressing as the opposite sex are not the same as Jewish and everybody with half a brain knows it. You have probably already read the hypocritical hit piece, but if you haven't it is HERE Dishonest, morally corrupt, and oh so clever as usual.

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