
WITHOUT KNOWING IT, MANY OF US READ THE NEW YORK TIMES because our local papers just run with whatever the NYT prints; they subscribe to their "news service" and print everything verbatum. You better go to Andrew Sullivan this AM and check his deconstruction of the outright propaganda piece masquerading as an analysis of the Kay Report on WMDs in Iraq running in the NYT this morning. When Sullivan uses his brain he is excellent. No homo whining in this, just some facts. I don't have the time this AM but I'll also read the actual report. We are being lied to alright, but not by Bush. I'm as intellectually lazy as the next guy but sometimes we just have to read the source. This is one of those times. Read it and make up your own mind. One part of MY huge mind is made up to the fact that Bush is completely incompetent; he should be the one making the points, not Andrew Sullivan. I say it again; had Wes Clark run in Republican primaries he'd have given Bush fits and might have won some. We have a non-president.

I'll blog again later in the day AFTER the Los Angeles Times reveals that Arnold used to have 69 sex with Leni Riefenstahl while Hitler and Goebels took pictures. Her big line to Arnold was: "Arnold, mein liebschen wonderbar, I used to climb mountains but none as big as you. Some day you will be governor of Bavaria."

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