

Everybody says they are for free speech. What they really mean is they are for ineffective free speech. A Christian movie that is leaving grown men crying just can't be done. According to the liberal/secular crowd crucifixions are to be portrayed as beautiful things that were not violent. Kirk Douglas on the cross talking to his girl friend is what they want. Beatings and floggings are not to draw blood. Mel Gibson is now declared a pornographer for showing the crucifixion of Jesus as anything but beautiful. What shit. People like Sullivan (Jesus must have approved of gay marriage), the New York Times (anybody who believes in God is stupid), and the media that loads itself up with Jews who insist that the picture is anti-Semitic are just plain pissed that an effective Christian slanted movie has been made. Far too often we see the violence in a movie and then take our eyes off the victim; that is what Hollywood has been doing for nearly a century. Focus on the victim and all the liberal ACLU type trash mongers get upset. How many standard movies could be made if the violence was actually realistic? If a punch knocked your teeth out or broke a jaw? Fuck these arty farty media "critics". Oh, and they're pissed that the Romans are depicted as savages. Where is the Roman anti-defamation league?

Well folks, the Romans were savages. The Christians vs the lions, the murder of thousands in gladitorial "games", the total annihilation of anyone who stood in their way were not exactly acts of a gentle people. The actual crucifixtions also featured the breaking of the victim's legs so the poor bastards couldn't support themselves by gripping crosses with the soles of their feet. The sadistic Romans were sadistic and vicious. That's how they stayed in power.

God makes all of us uncomfortable. That's his job.

And go here for a more elegantly worded view. Read both essays, the guy is the best on the web, bar nobody. I'm a joke compared to him. Go HERE too.

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