
Passion success is analyzed by Hollywood Reporter article that credits Gibson with a genius label for his marketing. What a joke. Gibson did what he did because he was forced into it. Frank Rich, The New York Times Jewish writer, labeled both he, his father, and the film as anti-Semitic before it was finished AND WITHOUT EVEN SEEING IT. The Liberal Media joined in and trashed the movie and Gibson personally so much that Gibson HAD to take alternate routes. Hollywood will never understand anything that gets in the way of sticking millions into their own pockets before a foot of film is ever shot. Actors, producers, directors and so on stash tens of millions into Beverly Hills banks AND THEN make the movie without risk. When reading the article keep in mind that Gibson HAD to finance the movie because nobody would touch it. He HAD to finance distribution because nobody would give him a distribution deal. The Hollywood secular/Jewish/Liberal elite wanted the movie to fail. They publicly proclaimed that they'd see that Gibson never worked again in Hollywood; changing completely when the gross passed $100 mil. Success meant trouble for all of them. Gibson's own religious involvement opened other doors and he walked through them. It may be said that the attempts to kill the movie allowed and encouraged him to take alternate routes. Glad he's a success, but read the article because it is typical "Entertainment Expert" bullshit.

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