

Paul Hornung learns the "Special Rules for White People" Blacks call whites every name in the book and get prime time exposure but if you're white you better keep quiet because the phony liberal sports writers will kill you. Before I write more, I will say that all athletes at Stanford, Duke, Rice (baseball NCAA champs), and a very few other universities with high standards pass their classes, most of them without hand holding tutors.

BUT here is my experience. My ex-wife was an assistant professor at a prestigious university. She repeatedly brought home papers that were unintelligible drivel written by blacks. When I say unintellibible I mean there were no sentences there; just words strung together. She had been instructed to pass all blacks with at least a C if they attended class. She finally snapped because of the total drivel written by blacks and flunked every bad paper including those of two football players (one a starter) and a basketball player; she had a requirement that papers could not be written by a tutor and students would be tested on their own papers. Her Department Head, a nationally respected authority in her field, ordered her to change the grades or be terminated for cause. She refused and was fired.

The pressure put on her was total. The football players put 90,000 people in the stands five times per year at $50 per head, the basketball player helped fill an arena and almost guaranteed high paying TV shots for the school. Blacks were disadvantaged. She flunked them. She had an advanced degree and had no trouble getting a high paying job in the private sector, but that is not the point. In all but the elite universities cheating goes on every day. Tutors, partial class attendance, a careful assignment to teachers who will go along, placing athletes in a major that is easy enough to slide through is par for the course. Those are the facts. Do any of you seriously believe that most of the teams in the NCAA tournaments had athletes who could read or write at grade level? The college bowl teams? It is a farce and what Hornung said is that the quasi-criminals must be allowed to play or you cannot beat the SEC or Big 12 teams. University of Southern California has been the beneficiary of terrible recruiting by both UCLA and the Arizona schools, as well as Cal Berkeley so they have literally cleaned up the Southern California high school football hot bed for the past four years. From what I hear the kids are mostly OK because their high school grades were decent. Notre Dame coach Willingham did a hell of a job recruiting good athletes to Stanford and will probably do the same at Notre Dame if given a chance. But Stanford NEVER competed for a National Championship because their athletes weren't good enough; black or white. Like it or not, Hornung is right. Politically Incorrect, but right. 230 pounders who run a 4.2 40 yard dash ain't going to Harvard. In fact without football they'd probably go to jail.

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