
My take on Liberal radio is simply this: there is a difference between an obvious propaganda network sponsored by a particular Political Party and independent thinking. Rush goes after Republicans plenty, something the lap dogs on "Liberal" radio will not be allowed to do unless the target is a conservative that the DNC targets for death. I'm not so dense that I think politically controlled art can't be good. It can be actually great. Most great art was created under the heel of church or state until the middle of the 19th century. That was then. This is now: In today's world being anybody's toady makes you an artistic sell out going in. That is why so much of Hollywood is total shit. I call it "Toadyvision". The thing about "conservative" talk shows is that most of the talkers are mavericks, shut out by main stream media. G. Gordon (jail bird), Ollie North (accused of treason in Iran Contra), Rush (a drug addict facing charges in Florida), Savage (kicked off the network) and so on are way out of the main stream, controlled by nobody. Liberal Radio is establishment suck ups and kiss asses. Big difference. And then there is talent. Talent overcomes everything: Tsars, Popes, Kings, and Communism (rarely). Let's see if the Left has the talent.

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