
Got an email from Wendy regarding Sullivan using the term "crackhead" to describe respected Pollster Rasmussen

but I think Sullivan was pulling an inside baseball and not calling Rassmussen a crackhead. Kaus has a running joke about the Rassmussen Daily Tracking Poll being like crack for the political junkies.
I still think making a reference like that should be explained. Crackhead? Come on. Thanx Wendy. BTW, check out the investor/consumer confidence taken BEFORE the numbers came out today. This could be a turning point for consumer confidence no matter what the Democrats say. Re; Rasmussen: if you are an investor and don't get his polling data every day you are reading history not current data. Jim Cramer at Smart Money
Real Money.com noted that the reports issued by the traditional services are “a good read—if you like reading history.”
I don't miss a day, I think that's why I was able to call a Jobs number of 300,000 when all the experts had it below 200,000 (Cramer had 400,000). Current data is important.

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