

The heat has busted him again, this time in Ramadi. They have ordered the building evacuated. "No reason" has been given for the order. Bush strikes again, but why???

The alliance with Chalabi is now in ruins. U.S. Intelligence officials have accused his security chief (see Nouri, below) of passing highly classified American secrets to Iran. Iraqi police, backed by U.S. personnel, raided Chalabi's home and his offices May 19, seeking to arrest associates on charges of financial corruption. The FBI has opened an investigation into who gave the compromised data -- so sensitive that it put U.S. soldiers' lives at risk and was known to only a handful of government officials -- to the INC.
OK, but "The White House" better produce the evidence. Do you think this unplugged bunch of White House morons, who probably don't think we are smart enough to "understand the complexities", will let us know?. There is a lot of speculation that the targets of this "investigation" are in the Pentagon; why did they get cozy with Chalabi?. CIA warnings that Chalabi had become too close to Iran's regime fell on deaf ears in Washington, say intel people. "They ignored all warnings......" etc. etc. etc. say former CIA people. It is also clear that Chalabi got a ton of dollars while CIA, State, and lots of military had serious doubts about both his "stories" (most have proven false) and his contacts.

Meanwhile the Left, which can be counted on to call anyone in Iraq not calling for "death to all Americans" a puppet (a running dog of capitalism in their commie days) is launching an all out attack on Chalabi. HOWEVER this case has a much longer "tail" than is being reported by us Right Wing Types. We have to remember that this thing started in April when a guy named Nouri, a leading INC member and Chalabi appointee as the finance ministry's chief anti-corruption official, was arrested on charges including extortion, fraud, embezzlement, theft of government property and abuse of authority.

More charges, including theft of government property, extortion, bribery and kidnapping have also been laid against at least a dozen of Chalabi associates, including Aras Karim Habib, the head of the INC's intelligence service.

This will play out, eventually. The Left is claiming that Iran controlled all the intel Chalabi delivered. That claim is effectively challenged by Michael Ledeen. Stay tuned. It's a cinch Bush will tell us nothing til his poll numbers drop again.

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