
Hitchens "review" of Fairenheit 9/11 is as long winded and convoluted as he says the movie is. Fact: the Left will go because the Left doesn't care about fact. They just hate Bush, the U.S. and Britain; they will swallow the unsupported paranoid fantasies that any clever dolt will throw them. You don't need to quote Orwell, Jefferson, or anyone else because they want to believe. With the Left, all you have to do is toss them rancid fabrications about George Bush and America and they will be happy. Hitchens piece in Slate is long, as in really really long. He pretty well demolishes the so-called "documentary" because (surprise surprise) Moore is not only a liar but uses selective excerpts. I'd have liked to read a far shorter version. The guy has always been a talented fraud.

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