
Humor: News from unusual suspects

Bush put on defensive by DNCBush, who keeps refusing Democratic demands that he take Sensitivity Training,was attacked by Democratic firebrand Ted Kennedy (Trait.MA) who denounced Bush for having a lack of diversity in his Cabinet that would make it "look like America."

"The days of having a Cabinet with no members of Hamas or Islamic Jihad, no street gang members, and no single moms on welfare will end this November," Kennedy told a group of released felons before sending them out on a door to door voter registration drive. Terrified residents who feared giving their phone numbers and social security card numbers to former felons were classified as "racist crackers who deserve what they get" by voter registration rep and former child molester, Democratic activist Phillip "the baby raper" Donaldson. Democrats denied the "scurrilous" slander that Donaldson was telling residents that he'd baby sit for them while they went to see "Fahrenheit 9/11"..................Developing

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