
The Bush stupidity watch Vol 30, Chap 44: Can you believe that it was the White House that leaked the name of of the Al-Qaeda computer hacker. This leak to the super Left New York Times is worse than stupid. This paper actually wants al Qaeda to succeed and this leak has totally blown all our intel, as well as Brit intel, all to hell. We and the Brits were in the act of rounding up the whole Al-Qaeda gang. We had a mole (read my posts on spying) who was helping us. The New York Times tipped it off. What the fuck do these assholes over at the White House expect? The White House AND the New York Times sabotaged a major sting. Again nobody will be fired and Bush stumbles along. It IS Bush's fault.

Market: The rally yesterday had nothing to do with the Fed. A ton of longs on margin got got hit with margin calls last week and finally had to dump on Monday (nobody who knows their shit makes a margin call) sending the market to hell, or almost there. Yesterday, the smart guys who were holding back and not margined up to their asses bought back in. The markeet is still technically weak. Stay the fuck away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No it wasn't. It was the Pakis. WH confirmed name. Name was already out there.