
Now that I've come out for Bush I still can't get over how stupid the Republicans are. I thought I'd get an elepant logo and display it. I go to rnc.org and can find zero. These jerkoffs don't get it. They want GOP bloggers who toe the party line only. That ain't me. The entire party has no clue about communicating and I think this is a factor all of us ought to consider as this election gets closer. The Bush White House is horrible and the RNC is every bit as bad. So I guess that my vote is more against Kerry than for the collection of brain dead clowns at the top of the Party.

The GOP decided never to comment on Farenheit 9-11 and it grossed $100 mil. The Democrats decided to attack "Unfit for Command", the authors, the TV stations that dared to air their advertising and guess what? The book is number one on Amazon. And it isn't even out yet. The "chiors" in this country will support anything that confirms their preconceptions. The thing about a book that is different from a movie is that books have always provoked debate while movies rarely do. A script never tells the whole story; a movie is the visual images on the screen. So while the Left won't read the book, the quotes from the book will be all over the media. And the stupid law suits will just sell more books.

For those of you with a shit list, you can contact the bin Ladin assassination team at www.killthefuckers.com or on their 800 number in Islamabad. You have to pay double if you want a Muslim taken care of. There's a two for one deal on all Republicans. Republican women will be killed or raped for free if you have one of their coupons.

The Left PC crowd has a litmus test for the head of the CIA. Either go along with the 9/11 Commisson or no job. This is what has put us where we are today. I am against another layer of bureaucracy as are many in the country. The questions on abortion, gun control, and environmentalism come next.

I have disconnected Site Meter because it was slowing down connection time by a factor of about a minute. Those of you who have similar problems, and most of you do, just get rid of it. Sure makes things faster.

Democracy in any Muslim land will be opposed to the death as it is in parts of Iraq right now. Reason? They look to the West where separation of church and state, freedom of speech, and freedom in general is resulting in an abandonment of Christianity. Any freedom is their enemy. Fuck them.

Amber Fry news: The "massage therapist" job description known everywhere in the USA as hooker is now being depicted as a victim of "seduction" by that oh so clever Mr. Lacy Peterson. What shit. The first date seduction probably went ,"Do you want to fuck in the car or your apartment?" Three kids by two different men and puts out on the first date is standard proceedure for her. Just didn't work out. Two low lifes meet, fuck, and there is a mysterious death. Who gives a fuck? Everybody gives a fuck. I wouldn't fuck that chick unless it was in total darkness so I couln't see her ugly face.

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