
PayPal seeks to censor everyone who dares express an opinion. I stopped using them for anything a year ago when I got a similar notice. Bill Quick reprints one of their threatening notices. Read it and stop using PAYPAL.

If you haven't linked to the Sondrak reprint of Rush Limbaugh's take on the blogosphere's place in the world, go HERE and read it. There's a reason Rush has been on top for fifteen years, and this piece shows it.

Allawi speech: the near total absence of Democrats in the chamber to hear him speaks volumes. They will cut and run and leave Allawi to face certain death at the hands of terrorists. There is no mistaking this "snub" of a really great man. The Democrat Party is France West. And Kerry reaction?? WTF? Is he playing to the Dean vote? Was that statement for the MSM, LAT, NYT, Boston Globe? He basically stabbed Allawi in the back. Let him know that the Democrats regarded him as a Bush stooge. More and more I cannot vote for the guy. Bush, warts and all, is my guy for this election.

I deleted my post that blasted Jim Geraghty's hit piece on Kerry because he corrected it so it can be understood. This is one reason the web beats print. You fuck up and can correct it FAST.

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