
It's Iraq, stupid. This is the message til November from every Democrat appearing on every channel. This seems to be what the Democrats have decided, at least for today. It will change if the polls tell them to. We will hear nothing about the economy, health care, education or anything else. This week. We'll see if the Clintonista focus on a single issue at a time works.

If you haven't read
the vile "The Draft is Coming" email the DNC has caused to be sent to virtually every college dorm, known computer, and college library check it out here on Betsy's Page.

The gangbang of Mary Mapes continues. CBS is going to make her take the fall for "memogate" rather than have Rather and the rest of the bums take any responsibility. Today FOX got a mysterious old letter that CBS had received about a prison interview violation. These leaks don't just happen. CBS caused it to happen and FOX is loaded with ex-CBS newsies including Hume, O'Reilley, and E.D. Hill. You can bet they are all on the CBS "leak to" list.

The Hollywood effect? Has anyone but me noticed that Kerry's slide in the polls coincides exactly with the launch of the Bruce Springsteen-Dixie Chicks-Pearl Jam "Vote for Change" tour?

Legal age for women to marry has been raised to 13 from age nine; the movie censor is legally blind; it is near illegal to dream. They are months away from having nuclear weapons. Read the George Will column on Iran today.

"Only question about Iraq" worth asking is do those assholes want democracy at all? I say no. They want Islamofascist thugs telling them what to do, or else. Kerry can't ask that question. The Muslim religion cannot co-exist with free speech. Period.

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