
HEALTH CARE up in that country that hates us, Canada. Under the headline: Wait Times Improve Slightly

The Fraser Institute's 14th annual survey, Waiting Your Turn: Hospital Waiting Lists in Canada, found that New Brunswickers face a median wait of 20.9 weeks this year from the time their family doctor refers them to a specialist until they receive treatment. That's down slightly from 21.1 weeks in 2003.

The survey, released Tuesday, said New Brunswickers will wait an average of 10 weeks this year to see a specialist and then wait another 10.9 weeks for treatment after seeing the specialist.
Not be be out done, The Super Left Canada.com lets everyone know that the study was done by a Right Wing think tank but brings itself to print
Waiting time for medical treatment in Canada rises slightly: study
Among various specialties, the longest wait time between a GP visit and orthopedic surgery was 37.9 weeks and the wait for plastic surgery was 35.8 weeks.

The Maritimes spells out the glory of Socialized Hillary Care this way:
Survey co-author Nadeem Esmail says the waiting times are the longest Canadians have ever experienced and exist despite record levels of health spending
Can't wait for 2008.

Somebody making 90K per is desperate for money and went after the pot of gold, if we are to believe the gossip coming out about Mackris, the middle aged ugly who is suing O'Reilly. Background over the firing of Jim Miller at CNN over phony sexual harassment charges at CNN was her school for nailing someone. It gets thicker. The women in my office all hope Mackris gets blown up because her over blown charges makes it hard for other women to get a hearing. Sexual harassment gets automatic backup from the feminists on staff everywhere. My advice? Do what we do, hire only enough of women to make it look good and keep them on straight commission.

Cheney got a flu shot. Give me a fucking break. Kerry is a true asshole. Cheney is one who has to have one because he has a pacemaker for his heart and he's over 60. I am sick of politics and have already voted FOR BUSH.

Rasmussen shows race tightening. His commentary yesterday that the Social Security scare tactics are working may be true.

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