
Kerry attacks on Social Security are working. So says Rasmussen in today's polling. He credits (blames) the New York Times for participating.

The crack cocaine for voter registration isn't exactly a big time crime. This crackhead registered Mary Poppins, Jeffrey Dahmer, Janet Jackson, and Chad Staton among others. The blatant attempt to fraudulently register voters is sponsored by the NAACP. Is that a surprise? BTW, George Foreman, Brett Favre, Michael Jordan, and Dick Tracy, were also registered. The NAACP is "shocked, shocked" that there were false voters registered.
Remember, if it isn't close they can't cheat. VOTE.

In an unrelated cocaine case, the family of a guy who was being chased by police is suing the police..... Why? Because the SOB swallowed a ton of cocaine while driving to escape. The family is saying the police scared scared him into swallowing it. The guy died from a cocaine overdose and it's the cops fault.

Slowly but surely a few MSM outlets are commenting gingerly on the O'Reilley "thing." Page Six

Back in 2002, O'Reilly told Stuff: "The most beautiful women in the world are located in two countries: Norway and Thailand. No question. It's just a matter of genetics. You have Norwegians: They are blond and blue-eyed. They are healthy. They are tall and Viking-esque. In Thailand, it's just a very elegant look. Beautiful women."

O'Reilly added, "The most unattractive women in the world are probably in the Muslim countries. You can't see them. So you are assuming that if they're dressed head-to-toe in black and I can only see eyebrows, there's something going on. I could be wrong."
It seems the man has left a string of published quotes.

We in California have a ballot proposition to legalize all stem cell research. The people backing it with mail pieces leave me with only one conclusion: the real issue is abortion on demand for the people in favor of it. Unproven "cures" are just a vehicle for them. I don't know, nor does anyone, if stem cells will cure anything.

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