
KERRY WARNS OF NEW ICE AGE: "The bombs and gunpowder used in Iraq have caused the hole in the ozone which heats our earth to shrink by 20%," said the French looking Kerry from a nail salon in Apalachia. The news HERE has sent shock waves through Harvard, Yale, and Stanford. Angry students set fire to a Bush/Cheney sticker that was affixed to an SUV outside of a Bush re-election office in Palo Alto while Harvard students, fearing their aging parents might freeze to death in their palatial homes in the desert community of Palm Springs, staged a "ur-in" on the street daring police to stop them. The Harvard Police, who are on strike for higher wages, just stood by doing nothing. The Harvard dean asserted that the Leftist faculty will never negotiate with uniformed gun toting fascists and the police must disarm before any wage discussions can take place.........Developing

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