

Debate results from the belly of the beast: I work in a middle class atmosphere and we deal with a lower class customer base. None of our customers watched the debate at all. Among the people at work only one person watched the entire debate, most only watched the first 30 to 45 minutes, and a few switched between two football games and the debate. Since the viewership was 45 million I have to assume that the entire middle through upper income part of our country watched a good part of the debate. Nobody among my friends or people at work thought Bush did any better than tie. Did votes change? No, but Bush has lost a big edge.

Most felt that Bush was mentally dull, didn't deal with Kerry at all, and showed lack of interest about what was going on. Back 1992 his father seemed he was out of touch with the country so we basically fired him. There is no excuse for the performance the President of the United States put on. He didn't think on his feet and perhaps he cannot think on his feet is the only conclusion people reached. This is the guy who didn't fight in Faluja. The guy who let Saddr become a full blown menace. He revealed a very indecisive side. Bush voters are shrugging and the Kerry people are nodding with an I told you he was a moron" POV. I didn't sense a switch in votes but I sensed a lack of confidence about Bush's ability among people leaning that way.

One more performance like this and we will have President Kerry, make no mistake about it, and Iraq will be taken over by Islamofascists. No possible excuse can be made for the terrible performance. The thousand plus Americans are dead and ten times that many wounded, not to mention the hundreds of Iraquis killed each week, deserve much better than the lethargic leader who put himself on display Thursday night. My perception of the debate is one shared by less than ten percent of the people I spoke with yesterday.

Arnold would have kicked the shit out of both of them.

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