
Neanderthals threaten to sue Heinz Kerry for insensitive racist comments.....

People keep asking why O'Reilly hit on that truly ugly Mackris instead of hotties Laurie Dhue, Heather Nauert, or Juliet Huddy? The answer is obvious, real babes would hang up on a 55 year old married man.

The latest Kerry "hit" rumor, now all over the web, suggests that Kerry got a less than honorable discharge from the Navy. I think the GOP is launching a pre-emptive strike fearing a last minute "DUI" type of Kerry bomb. Quick seems to have the best overview of this thing. Reason not to believe it? This would have been leaked a long time ago if true. Polipundit has more. They also think this is nothing. GOP seems sure they we are going to win. Don't stop working and be sure to vote no matter what the media is saying.

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