
Notes on a Zig Zag Paper

The O'Reilley sex harassment suit: we see another really unattractive woman who attaches herself as a "producer" to a high powered man. Who would ever hustle a skank like her? Some old guy that's who.

What would the MSM be saying if Bush had gone after somebody's lesbian relative like Kerry went after Cheney's daughter last night? We'd be hearing from Jackson, the NYT, NBC, and the rest of them about what a bigot Bush is.

FINALLY it looks like the Justice Department has said something about the Black "Churches" involving themselves in politics. Separation of Church and State is only there to use against Republicans, until right now.

Supremes to review Ten Commandments cases banning their exhibition on public lands. Solutions include renaming them "The Ten Suggestions," "Ten Stupid Sayings," and a slight re-wording so as not to offend athiests, Muslims, and Liberals. Some suggestions are:

Thou shouldst think before committing adultry in front of the kids
Thou shalt not kill unless thou art really pissed off.
Thou shalt not bear false witness unless it is to your advantage to do so.
Honor thy father and mother, until they get old--- then let the government take care of them.
If Gore had been elected president, right now he would just be finding that last lesbian quadriplegic for the Special Forces team...at Ann Coulter today in a funny but totally unimportant column.

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