
Victor Davis Hanson has his own weblog and, no surprise, it's terrific and manned by some outstanding writers. Right now he's posting about the Mystery of Financing "Alexander the Drag Queen"

It is the old Dallas or Falcon Crest glossy pulp in Macedonian drag. Stone’s Alexander is a pouty, wimpy bore; the real figure, whatever your thoughts on him, was a killer and a fearful man of action. Gladiator’s Maximus was a far more engaging and forceful character—and that was a far better film as well.

There is also irony here. If we remember the embarrassing Troy, we are beginning to see, that all for all the protestations of artistic excellence and craftsmanship, Hollywood has become mostly a place of mediocrity, talentless actors and writers who spout off about politics in lieu of having any real accomplishment in their own field
He has a few other things not published at NRO. Take a look
For two centuries, the French have looked nostalgically on their favorite dictator, admiring the military genius that resulted in the little emperor. In light of Napoleonic greatness, Lafayette’s boyish enthusiasm for revolution and the American experiment is regarded with the fondness of a puerile escapade.
You'll have it bookmarked. Thanx to emailer and actor Robert M for the tip.

If you haven't ever dropped by A Collection of Thoughts, a military blog, do it today. Another well written and potent blog from Iraq.

Like a chicken voting for Colnel Sanders..Another clever blog is called Hoodratz. A sample regarding how road rage starts:
1. Kerry-Edwards 2004 stickers: This should be blatantly obvious, as voting for Kerry-Edwards would be like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. Every time I see one, I start growling like a pitbull chomping down on a totesack full of two gay boys having butt sex.

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