
According to 2Slick (A soldier to the core) that GI rant at Rumsfeld is bogus:

....all vehicles that drive north into Iraq are required to have "level 3" armor protection. If a vehicle does not meet this standard, it will not be driven up north- it will be carried on a flatbed truck. Once in Iraq, armored vehicles are used for driving off post, and unarmored vehicles are used for driving around on post.
What I don't understand is the huge round of applause the guy got for saying something that isn't true. He has a lot of other commentary on this subject. Go read.....

It seems that all reports of Humvees in Iraq back up the soldier. At the most only 25% are fully armored and at least 30% o the vehicles are naked. Further, the plant making the upgraded Humvees is not operating to capacity. This is old old news to those of us who get our news from the web and not MSM. My opinion is that 2Slick is Regular Army, a volunteer, and he knew what he was getting into. The National Guard and Reserves are a different matter and they expect to have the best equipment available.

I understand that almost all of the limb damaged vets at Walter Reed are there because an IED exploded under their Humvees.