
Blackfive publishes this note that nobody in MSM has bothered with. It tells of Bush's visit to Camp Pendleton and after speaking with the troops he went to another area that was fenced off from both press and visitors and met with 170 families of slain soldiers and marines. Something else our propaganda machine won't tell us.

..we had the lead for the POTUS visit and I was privileged to spend much of the day with him. Let me tell you something that was, very deliberately, not in the news. President Bush came here for two reasons. To thank the Marines and sailors of Camp Pendleton for all they do, and to meet with the families of our fallen warriors. The first part was public. The second - and I believe far more important - was to meet privately with 170 family members who had lost a loved one. He forbade the press corps from viewing or photographing any of it.
The Plt Sgt Mitchell Paige Fieldhouse (a brand new $12.5m facility) has two basketball courts. One was curtained off and decks covered where he met with them together. Then, he met with the family members of each fallen Marine in the other gym individually. Having had the duty of a Casualty Assistance and Notification Officer many times in the past, I know how emotionally draining it is to talk to even one family at a time. When we put the President back on Marine One some three hours later, he was as somber and drained as I've ever seen him. It took an emotional toll on everyone involved.

Mudville prints the ENTIRE soldier Rumsfeld exchange. Looks like everyone INCLUDING FOX edited the tape.

MSM is just not ready for the truth.