
For those of you who don't visit LFG, please go HERE and read this account of heroism that will never see the light of day in the MSM. You will remember the name, Peralta.

Hammorabi has a vastly different take on the Osama binLaden tape and what is going down in Saudiville. Take a read.

Iraq the Model has now stooped to a meaningless pissing contest with another blogger, neither of whom has a readership that would load a row boat. Hey, Model. We don't read you for any reason other than your take on Iraq. Certain parts of the web are becoming just like an MSM club.

Larry Kudlow, a really good economist, thinks the dollar downslide is over and that Bush wants it that way. The rising rates, the liquidity being sucked out of the economy all indicate a rising currency. For now. Were I a currency speculator I'd listen up. This means that people holding stocks with cheap dollars are going to make a major score and those foreigners who have been on the sidelines are going to jump in. Big time bullish for stocks.

I've been in several companies that suddenly saw their sales slump. What was the first thing they did? Improve their product? Check their marketing and sales pitches? Check out the competition to see where they could improve? Hell no. They put in a new dress code. Both The Washington Times and Michelle What's Her Name writing for Town Hall has the goods on our "dress code" security mavens.

AND EVERYBODY better take a look at the San Francesspool "nobody can own a gun law" to go into effect in 2006. This is a Second Ammendment in a coffin law and we cannot allow this to happen.

And for video
of the 60 foot waves hitting the surfing contest in Hawaii go here SoCal is alive with anticipation of these suckers hitting Mavericks in NoCal (guys are heading up there this AM) and the waves in SoCal will be a modest thirty feet. This video is terrific but you MUST USE EXPLORER and they have a fucking commercial before you can see it. Worth it though. And for Mavericks a couple of weeks ago, HERE. And for Mavericks LIVE you go HERE, but as I am writing this no waves have appeared YET. This will be killer, everybody hopes. This is the place where Mark Foo was killed by a storied 100 FOOT wave. So these maniacs are out there hoping for a 110 footer. Live and in color.

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