Heating Oil prices have droped from $1.60 to $1.23. How good is that? Consider that when I traded for twenty years the price was around forty to fifty cents with occasional spikes into both the thirties and near sixty. So instead of paying four times the "normal" price people will be paying three times historical price. No fun for a commodity most people on the East Coast must have or die. The only similar situation would be medicine for the sick. Is there an alternative? Simple answer: No. Are we Americans getting shafted by our own companies? Simple answer: Yes, oil companies have been selling their heating oil output to Europe because the price is higher over there, while leaving American consumers to pay up or die. That's life in the era of the multi-national corporations who are loyal only to the bottom line. Food will be next as farmers are forced out of business and the entire industry is taken over by the multi-nationals who will not only sell to the highest bidder but "arrange" prices.