

A movie that can only be categorized as pornography of triviality is taking all the critics awards . THE movie of movies for the Left elite. The critics rave. Best Picture awards from all the Blue State snobs. Oscars for sure. You think?

Pick a subject for a Blue State Elite “film.” Let’s see, the plight of the homeless, wife swapping, the evils of all religions other than Islam, filthy Republicans, how whites abuse minorities, art, wine, homosexuals......

Wine? A movie about wine? You think? Could be OK, if we throw in a lot of really raunchy sex, frontal nudity, mid-life crises. I like getting bombed out of my gourd on wine. Everybody does. But no filthy workers or others who sweat while they bust their asses. No fucking fags, that is what killed Troy and Alexander. And put in lots of really foul language; that might work . If we bring it in cheap.

So we have “Sideways” the latest Blue State elite movie that is gathering all the praise from the Blue State critics. If it is to appeal to Blue Staters there can be no blue collar morons on the screen–-not to worry---, no real men---again not to worry, tons of totally dirty sex---really not to worry, foul “masculine” language--a positive kornacopia of fucking shit language, and the Blue State craze of crazes: frontal nudity. So what can we have the lead characters do to earn money? Art dealers? How about newspaper reporters at The New York Times? Harvard professors? No, let’s make the two characters a writer and an actor. Even better, a school teacher who writes plus an actor. Real exciting show biz types with a touch of humanity. People love actors and writers.

So this is what is “Best” this year. A funny movie about wine tasting and middle age men with a problem, and more than enough of the other stuff so it will fly. Lots of LA types think this movie is sooo hysterical. Even soooo fucking hysterical. And deep, man. Rilly Rilly deep, yuh dig? But trust me, there ain’t even a hint of a story here. If you want to spend ten bucks on a movie about wine tasting and middle age sex it’s your call. Frontal nudity? Shower while looking in the mirror. Filthy sex? Why don’t you and your wife start screwing in the garbage? And foul language? Go to the symphony and listen to the hookers in the lobby.

What is truly wrong here is the pornography of triviality this picture represents. A stupid movie about wine tasting is declared "best picture" by our salons in New York in Los Angeles. Wine tasting? Mid life crises? That's the best? Like it or not, Fahrenheit 9/11 was about something; Passion of the Christ was about more than something; Mean Girls had plenty to say to teen girls; maybe one or two others said something above Sponge Bob but the list of movies for 2004 is an indictment of the dominant Left culture both for what isn't made as well as what is made. Especially what isn't made. Not a single movie about the most important subject of our age; Islamofascism, terrorism, and whether civilization can handle it or not. Not that our effite upper class cares to think about it. Look what happened to that Dutch asshole for making something about something. Fuck that.

Hate to tell you, Hollysuck, but it takes real guts to make a movie that is really about something. But that might not make enough money for the Ferrari.

Rated R because of foul language, sex, no story, and no guts.

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