
It's being called "post birth abortion" and the American Left is sniffing at the bait like sharks circling for the kill. The Nazi solution to rid society of "defectives" moves through first trimester to partial birth and now just plain killing of babies, starting in the Netherlands. The culture clash couldn't be more clear.

While Putin rants
at us and our media slobbers all over his remarks, this remark is buried:

Russia May Launch Anti-Terror Strikes--By JUDITH INGRAM, Associated Press Writer

MOSCOW - Russia may use cruise missiles and strategic bombers in preventive strikes against terrorists outside its borders, the commander of Russia's air force said Friday.

Russian leaders have claimed a right to pre-emptive strikes before, for example threatening neighboring Georgia that it would pursue Chechen rebels allegedly sheltering on its territory.

But Gen. Vladimir Mikhailov's comments to the ITAR-Tass news agency aired on Friday were the most direct yet in Russia's rising rhetoric on attacking terrorists abroad. Mikhailov did not specify what targets the air force could potentially go after.
We are dictatorial, they are democratic. Entire story at Yahoo here.

I only read MEMRI
about once a week and I missed this one, link courtesy of VDH. This is a POV from the Arab world that lets all of us know what we are up against. I don't think people appreciate how focused Islam is on the destruction of the West, and America in particular. It's the weekend so set aside twenty minutes and read it.

IRAN NUCLEAR AGREEMENT: Another "Don't Ask Don't Tell" agreement between the gutless EU kleptos and the Mafia Mullahs. Is it really integrity vs corruption? Notice that all the usual suspects signed on to the bogus agreement. How many of them buy oil from Iran? How many are involved in corruption? How about the latest UN vote where Russia, China, Britain, France, Germany, China and dozens of other countries openly backed the beleaguered Kofi--so they could keep on stealing. We better face reality: the rest of the world sees nothing wrong with stealing from the poor, so naturally they gang up on anyone who disagrees: the bad old USA. What is even more upsetting is that the American Left is siding with the crooks too. The Democratic Party has truly lost its soul and is wandering on the barren plain in the dark trying to find the light.

Those horrible people at FOX are reporting on the French slaughter of civilians and not being nice about it. The French have intervened in Africa 34 times in the past 35 years and nobody reports about it. They still control their colonial "investments" and won't tolerate any interference.

To find out what happens to French investigators who actually try to investigate, just look here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

[ ... Russia's rising rhetoric on attacking terrorists abroad ...]

Rhetoric, that's the word. Talk, talk, talk. Hot air.

What have the Rooskies done so far to avenge the school massacre in Ossetia this fall, or the Moscow theater hostage event of a couple years ago? Nothin', except talk.

Understand, my attitude about Chechens and other Muslims is that it would be good work for the Russinas to eradicate them. But so far, there has been no Russina vengeeance that we know about.
OK, maybe there has been some small-scale covert killings or assassinations of some Chechens.

But no larger scale Russian military action. I think the real story here is the weakness of their military power, again allowing for some covert vengeance against the Muslims that we haven't heard about. Putin's regime is talk, talk, talk, and not much military action.

Why this lack of larger scale Russian military action? Because Roosky main force military power, including their navy and air forces are weak. They haven't launched air strikes against the Chechens yet because the Russian air force is weak, weak, weak, surpirsingly small and weak.

Somebody is about to say that there was a news item a couple of weeks ago about the Russians claiming they had some super duper new missile? More empty talk.

-- david.davenport@netzero.com