Lots of you have been kind enough to email me that you are "voting" for me in the Best Blog Contest. Please don't bother. It's total bullshit, and the voting is positively Ukrainian Soviet. My view is exactly the same as Kim du Toit's, except that I advocate bomb ownership and he advocates gun ownership. Plus anyone who "wins" ought to be embarrassed.
Hillary Care is exposed in today's WSJ as the horror it really is in Tennessee. The piece uses facts instead of an abstract idea or fear of the unknown. I'm surprised Reynolds hasn't written more about it; both he and Hobbs will probably comment on it. As a person who once had to rely on county services for health care I can tell you that once the Left Wing lawyers get at health care Tennessee is what will happen. Hobbs has only commented on the political backbiting, and expense of the TennCare program, no specifics. Keep in mind that we have a huge portion of the Left that doesn't want to pay for anything ever. TennCare now pays for every drug known to man including asprin, over the counter cold meds, and you name it.