Let’s face it: college Republicans are a bunch of Declaration of Independence huggers, Constitution lickers, and Iraq avoiding wimps.
They are continually bullied and intimidated on campus by a bunch of scrawny ugly women, skinny little Arabs, and homosexuals with attitudes. Every time they set up one of their tables these vicious thugs attack them by yelling, jumping up and down, and displaying nasty signs like: “Republican Women’s breasts are so small they can’t breast feed flies,” “Republican men have shit in their underwear,” “If Cheney dies Bush will have no dick,” and so on that insult the GOP youth wherever they go. We are to believe that they are defenseless.
What they apparently do have is David Horowitz’s unlisted phone number, World Net Daily’s secret email address, and relatives inside the Weekly Standard. This means that every so-called attack gets immediate distribution on the web and in the print media. “Republicans can’t speak up in class,” screams a headline. Conservative kids insulted and embarrassed at a Big Game pep rally when a woman professor stands up and screams, “suck my dick you Right Wing anti-feminist vagina faces.”
Afraid of a moth attack, leery of spiders and lady bugs, these Young Republicans better not be the future of conservatism or Red State will mean a condition that happens when you stay out in the sun too long. Where is their muscle? Are they all a bunch of pansies? Do these guys show their manhood by working out with the Special Olympic teams? Develop their street cred by playing one on one basketball with dwarfs? Do they sneak into the library and bench press two issues of National Review twice a week? Let's face it: Campus Conservatives are a bunch of skinny guys who wouldn’t go to Iraq unless the terrorists carried signs that didn’t hurt their feelings.
So what do they do besides set themselves up for attacks? What is their purpose AFTER the bake sales? Do we seriously think this bunch has the balls to debate at a MEChA meeting? Go face to face with Black Nationalists? Do anything other than whine to Right Wing media?
Why are we adults identifying with these total wussies? Could it be...??? No. How can the party that controls the entire government become a victim group? Could happen, I guess. Tigers are on the endangered species list, the GOP may be next.
Hey, guys, who wants to volunteer for Iraq?
Re Tenncare:
[ ... We think it was Justice Brandeis who said the states should be laboratories for reform. Regarding health care, Tennessee tried a decade ago and the price is now coming due. Hillary Rodham Clinton should call her pollster if she plans on carrying the state in 2008. ... ]
Hillary will never carry the Volunteer State, but she won't lose Tennessee because of TennCare.
TennCare is popular here. "... [D]espite attempts to tighten eligibility rules the program still covers 1.3 million of the state's 5.8 million people.... " Yes, but those 1.3 mil are distributed over more than 1.3/5.8 housholds. I've heard an estimate that about 3 out of 10 Tennessee households have someone on TennCare, maybe even more, maybe 4 out of 10. Not all poor Tennesseans are black or Mexican, either. TennCare has a big consituency here.
Nobody here at the opulent and impressive Maison de la Davenport is on Tencare. However, speaking for myself and, I think, the voters of this state, TennCare will stay if Gov. Bredesen can find a way to reform it so as not to raise taxes here. Tennessee currently has no state income tax. The issue most Tennesseans care about is keeping taxes low and in particular keeping the state income tax at zero, not killing TennCare.
[ ... In 1994, Tennessee passed what was then a very hot New Democrat idea--call it government managed care--a version of the reform the former first lady was also pitching nationwide. ... ]
A hot New Democrat in 1994? Nope, Harry Truman tried to pass a National Health insurance bill back in 1948. I remember my old stock Tennessee grandfathers talking about how much they admired FDR and the New Deal. Windbag arguments about the virtues of free free free private private private enterprise wouldn't get anywhere with them. Big government or big business, not that much difference really. The important question is, what has either one of 'em done for local people lately?
I am sure they were they alive today, Grandfathers Davenport and Murphy would be strong on smiting the Muhammadans and putting Christ back in Christmas and queers back in the closet.
At the same time, I think my rootsy-as-can-be Tennessee grandfathers would have a touch of sympathy for TennCare, just as they did for the non-private enterprise Tennessee Valley Authority. Before TVA, back in the 1920's, richer Tennesseans had electricity, but private private private enterprise had not made electricity affordable for poorer Tennesseans. The TVA changed that.
The isuue back then was electrification. The issue today is health care. If the State of Tennessee can pay Prof. Reynolds around $90K yearly to teach law and provide his family with gold standard state taxpayer-funded health care coverage, why can't poor, working Tennesseans have some health care coverage too? Is the health of a taypayer-suported professor's kids more valuable than the health of the children of poor, hard working taxpayers?
Note that Tennessee taxes are quite un-progressive. There is no state income tax here. The TN state U. system is funded by a high state sales tax, as well as a lottery. Sales tax in TN is as high as 8.5 per cent in some counties, with no exemption for groceries. Part of Dr. Reynold's family health care is paid by poor, working people who are paying 8.5 per cent sales tax on their groceries. Why can't poor, working Tennesseans also have some form of healthy care insurance? Not charity, but health care with dignity, similar to what snooty clerics such as Perfesser Reynolds gets?
That is, provided that the state of Tennessee reforms TennCare by kicking all the out of staters and illegal immigrants off TennCare. Better yet, kick all the illegal immigrants completely out of Tennessee while salvaging TennCare and restoring Christian prayer in the taxpayers' Tennessee public schools.
I cannot be the only person alive who thinks a thought like that. The big political dog that hasn't barked yet ain't some Lefty french poodle, whether or not the poodle's name is Hillary.
The big dog that's yet to bark is a 110 per cent American coon hound ( an allusion to the mascot at Instapundit's U. of TN at Knoxville )having culturally right wing spots mixed with patches of economic populism. Economic populism -- a latter day Huey Long, or a younger and more photogenic Pat Buchanan. Maybe Edwards will go that way, if he really wants to be President.
P.S. -- Anybody else noticed that Instapundit Reynolds, the otherwise tireless watchdog of civil liberties, doesn't bark much about civil liberties for Boy Scouts and Christians?
Terrific post, I hope people read it. BTW here in LA county we not only have an income tax AND a 8.5% sales tax (nothing on food) but a .36 cent per gallon gasoline tax that is at least half state tax. The state also has property taxes, auto taxes, newspaper tax, and a surcharge of at least 300% on every traffic ticket.
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