

There is an amazing similarity to the press bashing---particularly in the Washington Post--- of Bush's "insensitivity" regarding the Tsunami and the total black out of Israel's aid sent to the region. This is the Left in action. The pond scum at the New York Times said: "President Bush finally roused himself yesterday from his vacation in Crawford, Tex....", In order to get the truth these days you really have to hit the web at least three days per week. Investors Business Daily covers the whole thing best. The tsunami "coverage" has become just another opportunity for the Left Wing of the Democratic Party to attack the president. He's cheap, all Americans want their taxes raised, why ask? The prick was on vacation when he had to know a disaster was about to happen. The "slowness" of the USA when compared to France, Germany, and Spain is horrible. France has flown French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier into the nearby Thai resort island of Phuket bringing aid and a team of psychiatrists to help traumatized families---take that Bush---and they have "pledged" $20 million, compared with Britain $29 million, Germany $27 million, Australia $27.6---but it is the U.S. and Bush who are cheap and insensitive. Just ask Mr. "I feel your pain," the guy who stood by during the genocides in Africa. Late Add via Terps read the Podhoretz piece in the NY Post The Democrats are now attacking our troops directly.

Ouch---Ledeen lasers in on our "buffoonish intelligence "community," which is to say nothing has changed since 9/11. Then.....

The war cannot be won in Iraq alone, because the enemy is based throughout the region and his bases and headquarters are located beyond our current reach. His power is directly proportional to our unwillingness to see the true nature of the war, and our decision to limit the scope of our campaign.
Good but depressing read at NRO.