
Armstrong Williams: What is the problem? If he was taking money to express an opinion and he didn't brand that opinion a paid advertisement he's a dishonest schmuck. End of story. I heard El Rushbo for a few minutes this AM and he is like all the Democrats when confronted with an ethics question. He finds a similar dishonesty among the Dems and then blasts the press for glossing over it. We're not talking about Bill Clinton. We are talking about Armstrong Williams and only Armstrong. It was dishonest. Period. Next case.

Tim Blair is also all over the UN with lots of examples. He's actually more believable because he's so close to the action.

Tsunami attracts the very Hard Left: The enviro-whacks are heading to the disaster area hoping to make sure the area never recovers:

Did damaged environments contribute to the extent of the impact? (You just know they will find out that it did,) And perhaps most importantly, what can be done to make sure that the long-term welfare of survivors is considered?
And we all know what the Left considers long-term welfare. No more beach homes, no more sun bathing, no more hotels. Everybody must get jobs making micro-chips and living in government housing. Greenpeace continues:
Damage appears to be much worse in areas where these natural defences were destroyed or degraded by shrimp farming and irresponsible coastal development for industry and tourism.
It's those fucking shrimp farmers, stupid. These fascist Lefties will try to stop any reconstruction that has employed the locals. Get ready. And the poor birdies, as the enviros head into the area to make sure nobody builds anything that will hurt the birdies. On whose dime you might ask? You know dam well whose dime. And from CAL-Berkeley, the same bunch of assholes who threw that football game to Texas Tech costing me twenty cents, comes this fucking gem:
Naomi Oreskes, an associate professor of History at the University of California, said the tsunami that slammed the Asian and African coastlines underscores the need to take action on global warming.
I'll close with a few quotes from Vermont, that's a place two miles south of nowhere populated by syrup suckers and socialists:
My nomination for the next Nobel Peace Prize is Jan Egeland, United Nations Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs. By accusing the rich nations of the world (not just the United States) of being "stingy" in their foreign aid, the Norwegian diplomat provoked the leaders of those rich nations (not least President George W. Bush) into major relief efforts..
I tend to see the tragedy as a message that life on Earth is ever-so fragile. And this event ought to be a warning to us all that when we ignore the damages our civilization is inflicting upon this planet, there can be unspeakable consequences.

But ironically, in recent weeks there appears to be a stepped-up campaign to belittle the potential consequences of global environmental problems – or even dismiss their very existence.
This shit will soon be dominant in the MSM. Just you wait. This disaster presents the nuts with the opportunity of a lifetime, the destruction of all employment in the area.