
The entire web community wants Dan Rather to be hung. I disagree. Rather simply crossed over into mental decay quite early when compared to lots of people. Some people start to lose it in their fifties. Rather is in his seventies and I think he started to lose it about ten years ago. The guy did a lot of solid stuff (I don't recall any, but he must have done something) and deserves to be drowned out of sight of the rest of us. He's done. He's toast. Fuck it. There are far more important things in life than killing a corpse. One reason his mental decay could be hidden from everyone is that he had a ring of producers who did all the work. All he did was suit up and show up. Rather never did anything to me and I say Washington State is where our focus should be right now. Even the Leninist Seattle press is on this one. I think this election is one more nail in the Democratic Party coffin. Lots of us want to be fair above most things.