
First, let's make sure the Military pricks can't vote...Most of us do not live in Washington State and all we know is that the newspapers in Seattle are to the left of Lenin, their sports teams are mediocre, and that it rains a lot. We've heard that the governer's race is close but illegality has not been reported by MSM, only crazy asshole bloggers piss and moan that the election was a fraud. Well, chalk one up for the bloggers. AND TALK RADIO, don't forget those bastards. Again. John Fund, no bomb thrower he, has this to say in today's WSJ:

In Washington state, the errors by election officials have been compared to the antics of Inspector Clouseau, only clumsier. At least 1,200 more votes were counted in Seattle's King County than the number of individual voters who can be accounted for. Other counties saw similar, albeit smaller, excess vote totals. More than 300 military personnel who were sent their absentee ballots too late to return them have signed affidavits saying they intended to vote for Mr. Rossi. Some 1 out of 20 ballots in King County that officials felt were marked unclearly were "enhanced" with Wite-Out or pens so that some had their original markings obliterated.
When Democrats cheat we never hear about it. You are hearing about it now. For real details on things that stink near Puget Sound we all must start reading Sound Politics, a really good blog in Seattle. The Republicans were cheated, nothing new there. This time Republicans are fighting back. It's about time. The first thing Democrats do when they want to rig an election is to make sure the Military votes don't get counted. They did their dirty job in Washington state. Let's get the fuckers.