
Red State Blue State Tsunami politics----it's becoming very clear that the Left in this country does not want private donors to be the prime help to Tsunami victims. Istead they demand that our government be the source of almost all help. You can tell by the MSM constantly publishing the fact that us "cheap" Americans donated only $350 million. "Government Only" help quite naturally means that taxpayers pay involuntarily to the UN. The goal of the Left will always be to destroy our culture, Constitution, and Independence making us subservient to the government and the UN. Can you see this UN army of thieves, rapists, and kidnappers in lower Manhattan after 9/11 demanding that New Yorkers wait for the UN while they looted buildings and kept everybody at arms length as they robbed and pillaged? Keep in mind that these lefties would prefer involuntary taxing of the population so that they can dictate to the Government who the "right" aid provider is---and guess who that might be? "Right people" means no Salvation Army, Catholic Charities, or Baptist Charities need donate anything. Other than to the UN. The Left agenda includes the destruction of Christianity in the U.S. as well. When you consider all this it just might explain the near total absence of the Entertainment and Artistic Left in the giving line. Right now private donations approach the $300 million mark and corporate donations are close to $200 million (not counted is the $10 million plus per day being run up by our military help). Predictions are that the total private and government giving will approach $1.5 billion. The Left is still pissing and moaning that our Government isn't giving enough. Well if the Government is the People the People are giving plenty.

But that doesn't mean everybody in the U.S. is giving. To the Left, everybody must be forced to give, even if 60% don't want to give. Squeeze every human being in the country to donate, that is their idea of compassion and democracy. The Left would prefer to steal it from us and "donate" to their designated kleptocratic agency. The beat goes on.