
How much help do these bigoted Tsunami victims deserve? They are bigots in the best Muslim tradition. As far as donating, you have to watch The great Charity Game where compensation packages for executives are obscene. However among the Tsunami fund raisers only the American Red Cross has excessive executive compensation where the president receives 1.3 million per year. No list of the locals. The much touted American Institure of Philanthropy is useless. You have to send them money to get a rating. The best for us to use is BRJ. Here you will find that the highly touted Oxfam ain't the place. They have a bad BBB rating due to dodgy fundraising through cc and phone solicitations; in other words they are crooks. Charity Watch has a list you can use. Problem is that Christian orgs like the Salvation Army which has a terrific donation to recipient record does not have a track record of operating in SE Asia because they are a Christian group in a Muslim area. It may be that the Red Cross, an org I personally cannot stand, actually gets the money to where it is needed better than the rest. Jewish and Catholic charities can't get into Muslim countries; the same for Baptist and other Christian charities. Sri Lanka is refusing to accept Jewish donations, so I say fuck them. Anyway don't think, just give and forget it.