
Notes on a Zig Zag paper: Gene Kelly doing a hip hop "Singing in the Rain?" Here it is and don't you know he'd have been just as great now as then. Take a look. Then go HERE for the very first Steve Jobs introduction of the MAC. Apple rings a note with lots of people and here's why. Now Apple is selling for $500, and in my neighborhood it is selling like hell.

Bush is no longer the moron in the MSM, a little doggy on a leash. Now he is the evil genius leading around morons like Condi Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, and stupid Secretary of State Powell. The MSM swung this way in one day. Have you noticed? As former puppeteers Rice, Gonzales, and various court nominees become the manipulated puppets and hit the Senate, the dopes will do their best to tarnish them as helpless pawns of the Satanic Super Brain from Crawford. They don't miss a beat, do they? Too clever by half is stated very well here.

THE BLOGS STRIKE AGAIN: If you haven't linked to this damming "series" of photos from Reynolds, do so now. Staged photo by the media? The treasonous conclusion reached by many is prosecutable by the usual suspects. Jesus. Read the second comment which indicates FOX reported it accurately.

BTW even Reynolds is finding Sullivan increasingly a waste of time. Sullivan actually introduced me to the world of blogging and at one time he was terrific. Now it's just a fag rag with the usual homo-bitch observations about people with whom he disagrees. Too bad, a waste of what used to be a first rate mind.

Kudlow has a terrific take on Bush, Noonan, and the people trying to distance themselves from any mention of freedom outside of the lunatic asylum. Elections are taking place in places where they just "can't" take place. Remember again that neither Lenin nor Marx ever thought Communism could take place in Tsarist Russia and all the European smart guys thought democracy would never work in America either. Or Afghanistan. Or Japan. Freedom! Don't knock it til you've tried it.

Iraq election headlines, one day early. You write the stories.
Despite the meaninglessness of the voting...... (Nation)
Bush mismanagement of election means it's mostly about nothing....(LA Times)
Sunnis enraged at lack of representation in the U.S. mandated election.....(MSNBC)
Bush Administration rebuffed by smaller than expected 95% turnout....(New York Times)
Carter, Kennedy, and Kerry expose faulty vote counting...(Washington Post)
U.S. occupying forces herd frightened Iraqis to polling places in spite of repeated attacks....(CBS)
UN decries lack of election oversight funding......(CNN)

Should you doubt the above headlines just go to Power Line for the real stuff from AP.

Go to any Iraqi blog and start linking to their links. Everyone is excited about voting. Everyone. No wonder the American Left is saying all the Iraqi blogs are CIA.

Oh Canada, etc. (who can remember the words to that shitty song?)----" The only ones who loathe Fox News more than CNN founder Ted Turner does are the stuffed shirts at the state-controlled Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)." So quoth the Canadian Free Press in the Toronto Free Press regarding the entry of FOX into the CBC monopoly in Canada. They seem hysterical up there.

Barbara Boxer has raised a huge amount of money after her display in the Senate blasting Rice, the LA Times is "reporting" in tomorrow's paper. I think it shows how Left the entire party has become. She is saying what they want to hear, and I think Dean is a shoo in for DNC Chair.